Frequently Asked Questions
Got a burning Qinwan question? Look no further. We’ve answered your most frequently asked questions below. Need further help? Just email our team of date experts at
Join the happiest team of date lovers on the planet. Setting up your account is quick and easy. Simply add your details at the check-out and click Register. In addition to checking the progress of new orders and reviewing past orders, you’ll be the first to receive our latest offers, Qinwan news, and details of our special new arrivals. We’ll store your information so that you can check-out faster next time you shop with us. Prefer to shop as a guest? No problem. Simply select the Guest option at the check-out stage.
How can I place an order?
Placing an order couldn’t be easier. We’ve included a Search button and handy Filters to make the process of finding your favourite dates a real doddle. Simply browse through our amazing array of products, select your size preference from the drop-down menu, pick your preferred packaging, and click check-out. Can’t find what you’re looking for or experiencing technical issues? Drop us an email on or call our friendly team of date experts on XXXXXXX.
Can I make changes to my order?
We aim to dispatch our prize-winning dates as quickly as possible and therefore all orders are final and cannot be amended.
Will I receive an order confirmation?
Yes. We’ll send you an email as soon as you’ve placed your order. Once the dates have been dispatched, we will email you again with a special tracking code so that you can follow the progress of your order.
When will I receive my order?
We aim to process all orders within one working day from Saturday to Thursday, excluding holidays. Once your order has been accepted, you can expect to receive it within three working days.
Can I place an order over the telephone?
Absolutely. If you’d prefer to talk to one of our date experts, call us on XXXXXXXX.
Which payment methods does Qinwan accept?
We accept payments through Mastercard, Visa, and PayPal.
Will my payment be secure?
We take your privacy very seriously. All of our orders are encrypted and payments are safe, secure, and confidential.
My payment isn’t processing. What can I do?
For any payment-related issues, email our team at or call us on XXXXXXX and we’ll do everything we can to get your order back on track.
Why haven’t I received a confirmation email?
If you’ve placed an order but haven’t received a confirmation email after one hour, email our team at or call us on XXXXXXX.
How can I track my order?
Once your order has been processed, we’ll send you an email with your unique tracking code so that you can follow your order straight to your door. Not going to be home? Email our team at or call us on XXXXXXX and we’ll endeavour to amend the delivery time to suit your needs.
How much does shipping cost?
Delivery within Qatar is free. International shipping fees are calculated at the check-out.
I’m placing an order for a gift. Can I add a special message?
At Qinwan, we know that dates make great gifts. To add a personal greeting, simply select the Gift option at the check-out and type in your personalised message.
I’m not happy with my order. What can I do?
At Qinwan, every order is important and we work hard to provide our award-winning dates in perfect condition. If you aren’t entirely satisfied with your order, email our team at or call us on XXXXXXX.
I’m in love with your dates and want to tell the world. What can I do?
Nothing makes us happier than a satisfied customer. If you love our dates as much as we do, post your favourite Qinwan moments on Instagram @qinwan.dates and we will repost our favourite photos.